
SwiftRev Intelligence

Finally, prove your content really is better

Get unique, custom-built competitive intelligence identifying key content trends for both you and your selected competitors. Give ammunition to sales, justify editorial investments and more.


Understand True Content Originality

Using our proprietary AI, we analyze all recent articles for you and your competitor, identifying originality and making instantly clear where a brand is truly connected to its audience or reliant on press release re-posts.


Identify High Performing Editors

Content decisions are made by editors, but attempting to understand content production has traditionally been impossible. We breakdown total article production by type and over time, making it easy for you to make decisions, and investments, you could never do before.

Easily Identify Content Favorites

We’ve built the industry’s first content categorization AI, allowing us to make sense of both your content production and your competitors – or anyone’s. See the results in clear, easily analyzed formats.


Using AI to transform media

SwiftRev has built new AI capabilities to immediately categorize content plus proprietary editorial preference data – making it possible now to instantly categorize news types and predict their value to editors. 

Download our free SwiftRev News Value Matrix to understand the 10 major types of B2B news and their relative editorial value.

Are you interested in generating revenue, instead? Check out SwiftRev Revenue.

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