Platform Feature


Company Leads

The cornerstone feature of the SwiftRev platform, Company Leads is a single interface to quickly and easily see all company-level interest in your brand.
customer interest level

Company Interest Level

Instantly understand audience interest.

All of the data and intelligence confirming a company knows your brand and is ready for you to call – all contacts, all press release activity – all in one place. Sort to put the highest scored companies at the top of the list.

Company Overview

Company research - already done for you.

Understanding if a company is an ideal target to sell to requires understanding if it meets your ideal customer profile – company size, revenue targets and more. SwiftRev pulls in third party data to tell you the total company story.

platform - company overview
Platform - Company Tags

Company Tags

Find top prospects, with no effort.

With hundreds of companies eventually in your SwiftRev interface, use Company Tags to instantly display ideal companies to target and call.