
Company Interest Level

The Company Interest Level is a key part of the Leads > by Company feature. Here, we will go through the detail of how it is calculated. Here are the four factors that goes into a Company Interest Level, along with their max score: The highest possible Company Interest Level value is 100. Let’s dive […]

Company Leads

Dashboard | Claiming a Company | Company Overview | Company Interest Level | Brands Engaged | Handleits | Paid PR Spend | Contacts | The Company Leads feature is the core of the SwiftRev platform, providing a summary and enriched via of all activity, across all contacts, for one company. In short, it’s the single […]

How to add an email address alias

Note – this is a feature ideal for editor user types who use our handleit forwarding process. Are you an editor with more than one email address and you prefer to use our non-brand specific email address (handleit at swiftrev dot com)? Then you’ll want to use your “Add an email address” function in your […]

How to Use the SwiftRev Content Webhook

Looking to integrate the paid press release content into your CMS (content management system) or website? Then you’re looking for the SwiftRev Content Webhook. What is it? It’s a push notification system that sends over all necessary data from a paid press release, when either a paid press release is initially purchased or edited. Why […]

How can you edit a press release?

Note – the following Guide is ideal for Editors and Admins, or anyone that may have received a customer request for a press release edit Why even have edit controls? These controls became available in June 2023, only after seeing real world behavior from hundreds of customers. There are errors that you may see in […]

Automated excluded email domains

You may have known that you have control over your nurtured leads to exclude specific “role-based” emails, but did you know that SwiftRev also, automatically, excludes specific domains from being nurtured? We do. More on that below. Background: When it comes to inbound emails from PR and corporate marketers, some of them are from automated […]

How do I set up the “Nurture” feature?

Note – Nurture settings are only available to Admins of your account. Looking for help on how to use the “Exclude Roles” feature? Go here. Overview of the Nurture feature: Detailed settings for Steps 5-8: Note – Step 4 has no customization controls. How to Prepare Before you hop into the platform, you’ll need to […]

How to add an Editor user

Note – Editor users can be added by Editor users and Admin users. First, Editor users, like all SwiftRev users, are attached to specific brands. For each brand you want a user to have access, you must add them as a user. So, make your way to the brand to which you want to add […]

Setting up Nurture – Step 8

This is Step 8 of the Nurture feature – find out more about that feature, here. Reminder – only Admin users can modify the settings for the Nurture feature. The focus of Step 8 is: the hottest products in your media kit. How to prepare: Note – for this step, we do prepopulate one subproducts […]

Setting up Nurture – Step 7

This is Step 7 of the Nurture feature – find out more about that feature, here. Reminder – only Admin users can modify the settings for the Nurture feature. The focus of Step 7 is: your awareness-centric products in your media kit. How to prepare: Note – for this step, we do prepopulate one solution […]